Thursday, November 12, 2015

Delays and resistance [Research 2.1]

Research Update, 2.1

Solid leads:
-the baubau (its own entry to come soon).
-Pagan and Early Christian sacrifice and appeasement rituals. (Horrific doesn't come close.)

-Respond to my advisor's email about initial compilation of the interviews and narratives. (Side note: remember not to agree to everything she asked for.)

-Start sifting through the historical perspectives and start matching them with the modern perspectives I've been gathering. (This corpus is so overwhelming, oh god. I have enough material for a series of papers. Maybe even a book.)

-Go through the Smith's Mills footage from over the summer. I know I have the field work logs somewhere, and the photos and videos. Now it's just a matter of seeing if any of it is usable.

And something else weird, and extraordinarily frustrating. So much of my data between the beginning of last Spring and the end of this Summer has been so irrevocably fucked. I have no idea how. Pictures are thoroughly distorted, text files can't be read.

I have a feeling it's just improper data storage methods, but holy shit is this a setback.

(Personal note:)It's been quite a while since I last came through here. And to be honest, trying to comb through what's here is pretty hard; trying to sift out what is research and what is crap will be almost impossible.

So, an update. I'm not dead. I am medicated, to some varying level of success. I am coherent, which is just short of miraculous. Brief ER trip last month. Which at this point is not unexpected, but necessary to note.